Requesting Parties

MedSouth assists Law Firms, Insurance Companies, Government Agencies, and other similar companies in receiving duplicated patient records.


For Requesting Parties, we maintain several KEY components that separate us from other ROI companies.  Our unmatched efficiency and professional methods alleviate the past hassle you may have experienced in obtaining records.


In what ways do we go above and beyond the expected “industry standards”?

We ensure SAME-DAY turnaround to our medical facility client upon receipt of medical record requests; ensuring you receive a quicker response to your request

Our live representatives answer your questions or concerns immediately, providing personal, non-automated customer service

Our qualified representatives eagerly initiate resolutions when documentation is insufficient

We provide delivery services for a nominal fee

We can provide in-services to educate your staff in order to highlight proper Release of Information documentation; accelerating receipt of records







Explaining the ROI Process


ROI or Release of Information is a complicated, costly, and extremely tedious process in which many steps must be followed to ensure patient confidentiality and accuracy.  Many laws, including federal, state, HIPAA / HITECH exists and must be followed.  MedSouth details each step of the process by receiving the request, reviewing authorizations for HIPAA compliance, retrieving and validating the patients’ record(s), releasing only authorized information, protecting any sensitive material within the patients’ record(s), and finally sending the requested records to the requesting party.

For more information regarding the ROI Process, please view the video below from AHIOS:

© Copyright Association of Health Information Outsourcing Services 2014. May be used for educational purposes without written permission but with a citation to this source.



© 2014 MedSouth Record Management. Any unauthorized reproduction, recording, or transfer of information without the express, written consent of MedSouth Record Management is hereby prohibited. |  p: 888 219 3360

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